Automatic Opening and Closing Facemask (prototype)

This is the full prototype of my automatic mask. This mask consists of four micro servos and custom 3D printed gears, components, and head mount to move and fold a mask on your face. The mask has magnets sown into it so that when it closes it locks and connects together fully. The motors are controlled by an Arduino nano board and are powered by batteries. I wrote the code using the Arduino IDE language. Arduino's language is very similar to C and C++. The steps of how I got to the full prototype are shown in the videos below.
You can see the head mount goes over the ears and houses the servo. This servo has an attached arm that connects to the other servo which is physically attached to the mask via another tapered 3D printed arm.

The masks motors work in unison, moving at particular times to correctly fold the mask down. The video on the left shows incorrect timing of folding whereas the video on the right shows the correct timing. This timing is done by playing around with the arduino code and the pauses.
You can also see that on the left the other side is just a wire frame. On the right I finished another iteration of the prototype and it is now 3D printed.

Here we can see me testing the mask with both sides now attached to the head mount. Once again I am attempting to find the proper positioning and timing of the servos so that they move to the correct position at the correct time.
Now that we had the proper positioning and timing of the servos, I had to figure out where to put the magnets. This video is of me testing how close I could get the two sides of the mask to be so that the magnets could be sewn in to connect them! The video at the top of the page shows the magnets put in both sides and the mask fully connecting together when activated.